Children change our world.
Magical. Radical.
this time of change as something wonderful,
as something wonderful and special to share.
that promote the closeness between babies
and parents and make their everyday
a little easier, less complicated.
That's why we develop sustainable, ergonomic, custom-fit,
colourful and versatile baby carriers and slings.
And we support and found initiatives
for parents and children.
Children change our world.
Magical. Radical.
this time of change as something wonderful,
as something wonderful and special to share.
ideas and products that promote the closeness between babies
and parents and make their everyday (geht ohne „life”, klänge sogar besser)
a little easier, less complicated.
That's why we develop sustainable, ergonomic, custom-fit,
colourful and versatile baby carriers and slings.
And we support and found initiatives
for parents and children.

For manduca, family is where there are children. And the
is not only the classic, "normal" father-mother
child family. We want to make a contribution to broadening the family horizon: from the still prevailing narrow family image to all the families that have a say in our society:
same-sex parents, blended families,
Single parents, parents of children with disabilities
and many others.
We tell their story in short documentaries that can be viewed here on our website and on YouTube.

Raising one or more children alone is a feat on all levels.
Just getting away from it all, even with children, is often not possible.
That's why we thought of something...

At some point the day will come when your child has outgrown its manduca. With that comes the day when manduca gives a new baby and its parents closeness and relief in everyday life.
That's why we support charitable organizations that pass on used manduca First and manduca XT carriers to needy families.
In this way we want to help and set an example for sustainability.
You can find out how to participate here

Breastfeeding-friendly cafes & restaurants. An initiative by manduca and the Marburg gastronomy