Baby Carriers & Slings
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manduca® First
manduca® First Show all
First Baby Carrier First Tester Accessories
manduca® XT
manduca® XT Show all
XT Baby Carrier XT Tester ZipIns Accessories
manduca® Twist
manduca® Twist Show all
Twist Baby Carrier Twist Tester
manduca® Sling
manduca® Sling Show all
Sling Baby Wraps Sling Tester
manduca® Gadgets
manduca® Gadgets Show all
manduca BeltBag manduca FumBee
marsupi® baby carrier
marsupi® baby carrier Show all
marsupi Classic 2.0 marsupi Breeze 2.0 marsupi Tester 2.0
Spare Parts Promotional Material
Promotional Material Show all
Demonstration Material
Babywearing Clothing
Babywearing Clothing Show all
MaM® Babywearing Covers
MaM® Babywearing Covers Show all
Flex Cover Snuggle Cover
MaM® Babywearing Jackets
MaM® Babywearing Jackets Show all
SoftShell Jacket All-Weather Jacket
MaM® Scarves & Hoods
MaM® Scarves & Hoods Show all
Double Dickey Fleece
manduca family SALE % Service & Community Dedication
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Wickelkinder GmbH

Zelterstraße 1

35043 Marburg


Tel. +49/ (0)6424- 92869-0

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Managung Director: Petra Schachtner

Court of registry: Marburg, HRB 5229

EU VAT: DE255101129


Responsible for content according to § 55, Par. 2 of the Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RStV): Petra Schachtner



All images are protected by copyright. The copyright lies with Wickelkinder GmbH, other retailers or private individuals respectively who have provided their own images for this website.

The commercial and private use of our images is free of charge, provided the images are not changed and a clear note is made to Wickelkinder GmbH as the copyright holder.


Any other commercial usage of the images requires explicit written permission from Wickelkinder GmbH.

Should you have any questions, please simply send us an email.


Concept and design: Wolkenkratzer



Most of the photos used on this website have been taken in our own photo shoots:

Ingo Bach / Still Life manduca Range / 
Martijn van Gelder / People manduca Bellybutton Carrier & Sling / 
Astrid Grosser / People manduca First & Sling / 
Martin Kreutter / People manduca PureCotton / 
Tina Laser / People manduca LimitedEdition / 
Daniela Liepelt / People manduca BlackLine / 
Miriam Lindthaler / People manduca Duo / 
Stefan Mikolon / Event Messe / 
Knut Wörner / People manduca First, LimitedEdition & BlackLine /

Other graphics and images were created by our employees or by the Wolkenkratzer agency. The video accompanying the photo shoot for the manduca Duo was produced by Uwe Knott. The “Daddy with a red sling” photo on the start page was taken by Georges Aliferis. Furthermore, this website also contains images and films that are used under license from and